100+ Sociological Research Paper Topics: Interesting and Simple Sociology is a rather interesting subject with extensive ground for research. Therefore, students are often given various academic works for independent implementation. The topics that sociology research papers can cover are truly…
Technology Research Paper Topics

70+ Technology Research Paper Topics
Research papers are aimed at developing analytical skills in students. Writing any academic paper starts with choosing a topic.
How to Select the Best Technology Research Paper Topics?
To choose a good research paper topic one should follow these key criteria:
- Your personal preferences. Try to choose a topic that interests you.
- Value of the topic for the scientific community and its relevance.
- Availability of sources. Consider the availability of literature and materials. All of them should not be older than 3 years. A research paper involves the use of information from various sources.
Below we have prepared a list of topics that will make writing a research paper about technology easier.
List of Technology Research Paper Topics: TOP-20
- Improvement of the quality of high-speed sharpening of carbide tools with diamond wheels with an intermittent surface.
- The technology of vegetable semi-finished products for flour confectionery and culinary products.
- Improvement of the quality of the machined surface during hard turning by improving the damping properties of the attachment of the cutting insert.
- Modeling methodology and study of thermal interactions of objects in contact during mechanical processing in an ultrasonic field.
- Drying of multicomponent chemical, pharmaceutical, and biological materials.
- Optimization of the movements of the actuators of machine tools for processing deep holes.
- Study of the stress-strain state of a structurally inhomogeneous medium: on the example of cutting composite materials with a spherical shape of the reinforcing grain.
- Influence of tangential oscillations of cutter holders on the roughness of the machined surface.
- Scientific bases of foaming and emulsification in the technology of food products with vegetable additives.
- The technology of semi-finished products from cultivated mushrooms and culinary products with their use.
- Finishing and hardening treatment using ultrasonic torsional vibrations.
- Improvement of the processes of thermal catalytic destruction and isomerization of liquid hydrocarbons.
- Increasement of the nutritional value of flour culinary products made from corn and wheat flour in the national cuisine of the United States.
- Hydromechanical models in chemical-technological processes.
- Improvement of the range of wafer dough products based on second-grade durum wheat flour.
- The technology of flour products from yeast-free dough with vegetable additives.
- Modification and study of the sorption efficiency of a sulfur-containing polymer to treat metal-containing wastewater.
- Increasement of the efficiency of the impact of ultrasonic vibrations on processes in systems with a liquid phase.
- Influence of vegetable additives on the quality of yeast dough products.
- Semi-finished products of reduced energy value from choux pastry.
15 Great Technology Topics for Research Paper
- The productivity of turning low-rigid parts made of nickel alloys which are based on modeling the cutting process dynamics.
- The quality of blade processing of polymer and composite materials at the stage of mechanical deformation of workpieces.
- The use of sugar beet in the development of technologies and recipes for public catering products.
- The quality of polymer materials is based on a stable technological system and preliminary tests for the processing of materials.
- The technology of semi-finished products which have a high degree of potatoes, carrots, and beets.
- The technology of culinary products from chopped meat of broiler chickens.
- Extractive distillation of aqueous solutions of alcohols in open ionic liquids.
- Scientific bases of intensification of production and discussion of national problems of quality of products of the USA.
- Development of technologies and recipes for culinary products based on structured lentils.
- Modular formulation of the information portal of the enterprise in order to assess the efficiency of machine-building production.
- The effect of cooking on the content of heterocyclic aromatic amines in fried meat culinary products.
- Hydrothermal carbonization of biowaste in a boiling residue in an environment of superheated water vapor.
- The technology of semi-finished products from shortcrust pastry with fruit flavors.
- Hydrodynamics and heat and mass transfer in a vortex mixture for the concentration of thermolabile solutions.
- The effect of pleasure from processing high-quality meat dietary culinary products.
15 Information Technology Research Paper Topics
- Social networks and virtual reality in the system of improving the quality of education.
- Impact of application architecture on infrastructure.
- The use of IT technologies in the digital economy.
- New wireless communications solutions with hot standby for operational maritime communication systems.
- Software development tools.
- Backpropagation method for the development of multilayer neural networks.
- Corporate information systems.
- World market of ERP-systems: features of formation, tendencies and development prospects.
- Marketing research with the help of IT.
- Virtual reality services. Augmented Reality. Tactile internet.
- Implementation of a project to automate the electronic document management of an enterprise.
- Modern communication technology and prospects for its development.
- Subject Analytical support for decision-making processes for enterprise management.
- Electronic documents and electronic signature in office workflow.
- Elements with non-linear characteristics. The principle of adaptation.
10 Computer Technology Topics for Research Paper
- Features of informatization of enterprises of the large, medium, small businesses.
- Problems of implementation of information and communication technologies at the enterprise.
- Using computer forensics to investigate hard drives.
- Comparison of technological features of 4G and 5G networks.
- Contact centers with chat robots.
- Cloud storage systems for corporate use.
- Internet search automation.
- Warehouse information system components.
- Cloud data storage for efficient operation and development of enterprises.
- Overview of the main existing CASE packages, a brief description.
10 Technology Research Paper Ideas
- Development and research of technologies for meat and fish culinary products.
- The speed and accuracy of hydromechanical rotary-dividing devices of machine tools.
- The quality of the machined surface and reducing the wear of the abrasive tool when honing with increasing cutting speed.
- Theoretical and applied aspects of the “water activity” indicator in food technology.
- Joint grinding and classification of heterogeneous components to isolate the target product.
- Influence of physical and mechanical processes in the contact zone on the performance of processing by surface plastic deformation by rollers.
- The productivity of processing is based on the improvement of an auxiliary tool for fixing end mills by the method of thermal deformation.
- Development of resource- and energy-saving options for the process of recrystallization of substances using evaporation and vacuum evaporation crystallization.
- Shaving-packing of cylindrical wheels with circular teeth.
- Development of scientific bases for drying of dispersed materials, complicated by structure formation.
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